How do I activate the Roku device using link code?
Roku is the most sought-after streaming device that is being used to access streaming channels such as netflix, Prime, Hulu, etc. Generally, internet users access streaming channels on their Smartphone and laptops. But when it comes to access on your home tv, you will require Roku device. Roku basically turns on your tv into a smart tv. Even though smart tv has been introduced in the market beforehand. But people have already invested a huge sum of money in normal tv. By the way, if you want to turn your tv into a smart tv, you should buy Roku and learn how to activate it at Roku Com Link . The new users are needed to follow a certain procedure to activate Roku on their TV. One of the most important things to do is to use the Roku Com Link Enter Code in the right way. Below is the procedure to activate the device by using the Roku code · Connect Roku device to your tv using HDMI cable · Launch Roku app on your tv · Follow the prompt ·